Customers can edit their profile details like name, phone number, DOB etc.
We are providing multiple address options which will be suitable for the different address for Home, Work, etc and address can be selected while checkout.
Customers can change the password from their profile menu. They have the option to reset it using OTP in case they forgot the password.
They can view the frequently asked questions in the profile menu. This section can cover the basic customer questions and we can also skip the unnecessary customer queries by explaining that all in the FAQ section.
Support number and email can be used to contact the customer support.
Customer can check social media account of the brand in the profile menu.
Customer can see the list of the nearby store by selecting the location or App can automatically detect it.
In case if the store is closed, still the customer can see it, but will not be able to place the order.
Stores can be sorted based on nearby stores, rating, and relevance. The store can be filtered using deliverables they are offering.
Customer can search stores by store title, which will be sorted by the nearest available store.
Customers can add their favorite stores and can access it later for quick.
Customer can search the stores by entering the location.
When customer set their location in the app, they get the list of multiple restaurants which are nearby in their location.
Customer can browse the list of categories and subcategories on the online ordering software.
We are providing products list with complete detail of the product such as images, title, basic price, and the unit, etc.
Customer can add the products from the product list and can increase or decrease the quantity accordingly.
Few products might have choices like half, full and based on that pricing can be set up. This is a great way to keep products list short yet providing all the available options for that particular product.
Products can also be searched by the product title and can be added to cart directly from the search page.
Cart view with added product's detail and payment summary with details like subtotal, taxes, etc.
Check out page will have options to order now and to schedule the order. It will ask for order instructions, delivery address and a few other details.
Payment method will include cash payments, Credit/Debit cards payments.
Coupon can be applied in the payments page. Available coupons list will be shown from where the coupon can be applied in a single click.
Customer can see the list of all the parts of active and completed orders.
The order list will have details like the order number, store information, order amount and status.
Order details will show the order time, order products list, delivery address, payment summary and the store details with phone and location data.
The customer has the option to cancel the order if it is not accepted by the store yet.
During the delivery process, the customer gets a notification about it on the order tracking software. Also, the driver's location can be easily tracked in real-time from the order details page.
After the order is completed, the customer can leave rating and feedback which can be used to analyze the process. Admin has the option to approve those feedback comments as well.
Promo codes and offers are sent to the customer via push notification.
Customers can receive SMS for current and upcoming offers.
Customers can see the list of available offers from the offer menu.
Offers can be applied depending on various parameters like a limit on users, maximum order amount, minimum order amount, etc.
The dashboard will have order count graph over the year.
Revenue generated from the completed order will be shown over time.
Recent order can be shown in the dashboard for quick access.
Top users will show the list of users with most orders.
The admin can quickly see Orders List with all the details like customer name, store title, amount and status on this best order management system.
The list can be filtered by the order status, assigned store. It can be sorted with order added date, order amount and order ID.
Order detail contains the information of the customer, store, delivery address, products list, payment summary etc.
Order can be canceled by selecting the provided or custom order cancellation reason.
Order invoice can be generated from the order details page.
With this online order management software, the admin can add notes related to the orders placed by the customers. Admin can also see notes added by the store manager.
For the effective processing of the online orders, the admin can add messages in the order if required. Messages exchanged by the customer and store manager can also be seen in the order details page.
Admin can manage the custom order notifications on multiple order's actions and status updates. Admin can add a notification for email, SMS and mobile app push notifications.
Customer list with details like customer name, photo, email, and mobile number.
When customer set their location in the app, they get the list of multiple restaurants which are nearby in their location.
Sort the list alphabetically by the customer’s name or the signup date.
Details page with contact details and a smart insights view which shows the details like last order date, the total number of orders, total orders value, etc.
The order created by customers and the addresses they added in the profile can be seen in the customer's details page.
Store list with details of store title, assigned manager, address, etc.
Stores can be sorted by the created time and alphabetically.
The store can be added with store details like title, image, manager, location information, etc.
Order sent to the stores can be seen from the store details page.
Products and categories added by the store can be seen from the store details page. It includes an easy to view card layout design to quickly access and manage the categories.
The Drivers list can be shown with name, phone, email and mobile number, etc.
Driver details can be shown with contact details, rating, available status, etc.
Driver may have multiple vehicle but at a time, single vehicle will be assigned to the driver.
Driver’s ID, license and other documents can be uploaded from the driver’s details page.
Active or completed tasks assigned to the driver can be seen from their driver's details page.
Admin can see the driver’s duty availability.
Task list contains the details of task ID, assigned driver, and order ID etc.
Tasks can be filtered by the status and the assigned driver. Sorting can be done based on the created time.
Admin can see the details of any task like the customer or the driver details, payment summary, and route image using the task page available on the online delivery management system.
The task can be canceled if not started yet.
Driver’s location can be tracked in a real-time from the tasks details page.
Custom tasks notifications can be added and updated from the notification setting page. The best thing about this module is that admin can customize the message according to their choice with task tags (Ex: task ID, driver name, customer name, etc). It can be sent to emails, SMS's and push notifications in the mobile apps.
Reports are shown in the graphical view.
Reports based on orders for a particular store or customer can be shown with order ID, amount, products count, store, and customer name. Canceled order reports can be generated which is filtered by the dates to process the refunds.
Basic store reports like store commission, top-selling products, and revenue reports can be generated easily.
Reports based on order payments, due refunds and commissions can be generated from the admin panel.
Admin can view the coupons/promo codes list with code, expiration time, discount offered, etc.
Coupons can be added based on many factors like the number of times it can be used, a minimum order amount on which this coupon can be applied, etc.
Admin can send out the bulk emails, SMS or Push notifications to all customers from the admin panel. Bulk push notifications are a great way to engage customers within the app.
Admin can add / edit the banners as well as change the content of FAQ's, privacy policies, and terms & conditions.
Admin can add predefined common order cancellation reasons which can be selected by customer/manager while canceling the order.
Admin can add multiple vehicle types for the delivery process.
This is an amazing feature of the delivery management software to control the shipping charges/fees. Delivery price can be set using distance slots, using uber pricing model or a fixed price.
Settings like task available time for a particular driver, a number of driver retries and radius of allocation can be adjusted.
Admin can change the settings of currency symbol, support email, and phone numbers etc.
Tax titles and percentage amount can be adjusted.
Admin can add social media profile links of the Company.
Variants / Add-ons /choices is an excellent tool to manage available options in the products. Different variant options can be added and turned on / off. It has the options to add single-select, multiple select choices.
Admin can add multiple user roles like Accountant, Operational Manager, etc. on the online order and delivery management system.
Custom permission can be assigned based on the user roles, as an Accountant can only access the revenue reports, Operational Managers can add stores, manage orders, etc.
Users can be added and can be assigned a particular role. The added user will have the permissions which are assigned to that particular role.
Add admin users list can be seen based on their name, email, and assigned role.
Admin can edit their profile like name, and phone number, etc.
Admin can change their password from the admin profile panel.
Manager will see the list of orders which can be filtered based on the order status and sort by the order amount and the order time.
Manager can see the order details with products list with its quantity, any added choices/options with the products, customer information, payment summary, and other order details.
With this Order management app, the merchant can update the order status and can also reject it if not accepted.
With this simple order management software, the manager can quickly add order notes, which can be used as the log. And these notes can be seen by the admin as well.
Manager can send the messages for the orders to the customers from the manager panel. Manager can also view the customer's reply from the "order messages page".
Categorized products list can be seen in the manager panel with the title, price along with its availability status.
Manager can add new products for their store. Any Product options can be added while editing the Product.
Multiple product images can be added in the product edit page.
Products can be turned off, which will make the products not available in the customer’s app.
Products can be searched with the product title.
Categories list will be shown with the title, category image and the number of products.
Categories can be quickly searched by the title.
Categories can be turned off which will make all of its products unavailable to order.
Manager can add new categories for the store.
Subcategories can be added under the categories.
On this best order management software, the store managers can see the earning they made from the completed orders.
All the transaction details of the order earning can be seen in the earning page availalable on the ecommerce order management software.
Earning can be filtered by the date ranges. Predefined date ranges are added for the easy access Ex: Last week, last 30 days, etc.
Manager can edit their profile details like first name, last name, and mobile no. etc.
Managers can change their password from the manager panel. They do have the option to reset via OTP in case they forgot the password.
Manager can see the frequently asked question from the admin team and can get the solution to their queries easily.
Managers can contact the admin in the provided email and phone numbers.
New order Notification will be sent out to the manager as soon as the order is placed.
Manager will receive the new order email with the order details.
Managers can be notified over the SMS automatically so that they can review the order asap.
During signing up, the driver provides the personal information and the verification documents from the registration page.
The driver can login into the app to receive delivery tasks after profile approval from the admin.
The driver can see all the active tasks in the tasks panel on the homepage. It will have details like task status, address details, delivery time and one-click google map navigation button to the locations.
The driver can see all the tasks which waiting for acceptance, if not accepted within the expiration time then those tasks will be sent to next nearby driver. New tasks are shown as an instant alert on top of the screen.
The task will have details like pickup address, delivery address, customer name, customer phone, one-click google map navigation button to the locations, payment summary, etc.
The driver can add task notes on this delivery management app for any information log.
The driver can add images with the task. This can be useful if the driver needs to provide proof of delivery.
The driver can have the customer’s signature and the confirmation for delivery to the customer.
The driver can view the list of completed tasks.
The task details can be viewed which will include details like notes, images they added, delivery and payment information.
Earning can be seen for the completed tasks based on the commission for a particular delivery.
Earning can be seen based on the date filter. Many predefined filters are available on the delivery software for a quick view. Ex: Last 7 days, Last month, etc.
The new task will be alerted on the driver app screen.
The drivers can be notified with the task alert over the SMS as well.
The delivery agents/drivers can edit their profile details like name, phone number, and DOB etc. on the delivery app.
The drivers can turn their availability OFF if they want to go OFF duty. Then no tasks will be sent to those drivers until they turn their availability ON back again.
They can view the frequently asked questions in the profile menu. This section can cover the basic driver's questions.
Support number and email can be used to contact customer support.
Drivers can change the password from their profile menu. They have the option to reset it using OTP in case they forgot the password.
For any queries regarding the online order management system features, you can send us an email at